The bones of the upper and lower ARM. They include the CLAVICLE and SCAPULA.
The CARPAL BONES; METACARPAL BONES; and FINGER PHALANGES. In each hand there are eight carpal bones, five metacarpal bones, and 14 phalanges.
Bones that make up the SKELETON of the FINGERS, consisting of two for the THUMB, and three for each of the other fingers.
The five cylindrical bones of the METACARPUS, articulating with the CARPAL BONES proximally and the PHALANGES OF FINGERS distally.
The eight bones of the wrist
A carpal bone located between the CAPITATE BONE and the TRIQUETRUM BONE. The hamate has a prominent process that projects anteriorly.
A carpal bone with a rounded head located between the TRAPEZOID BONE and the HAMATE BONE.
The bone which is located most lateral in the proximal row of CARPAL BONES.
A moon-shaped carpal bone which is located between the SCAPHOID BONE and TRIQUETRUM BONE.
A carpal bone which is located between the LUNATE BONE and HAMATE BONE.
A pea-shaped carpal bone that actually sits in the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle.
A carpal bone adjacent to the TRAPEZOID BONE.
A carpal bone which is located between the TRAPEZIUM BONE and the CAPITATE BONE.
The bones of the free part of the upper extremity including the HUMERUS; RADIUS; and ULNA.
The lateral extension of the spine of the SCAPULA and the highest point of the SHOULDER.