Atlas de Anatomia do Corpo Humano - Central

The atlas of human body

Mammary Glands, Human
Mammary Glands, Human

Glandular tissue in the BREAST of human that is under the influence of hormones such as ESTROGENS; PROGESTINS; and PROLACTIN. In WOMEN, after PARTURITION, the mammary glands secrete milk (MILK, HUMAN) for the nourishment of the young.

Salivary Glands
Salivary Glands

Glands that secrete SALIVA in the MOUTH. There are three pairs of salivary glands (PAROTID GLAND; SUBLINGUAL GLAND; SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND).

Parotid Gland
Parotid Gland

The largest of the three pairs of SALIVARY GLANDS. They lie on the sides of the FACE immediately below and in front of the EAR.

Sublingual Gland
Sublingual Gland

Submandibular Gland
Submandibular Gland

One of two salivary glands in the neck, located in the space bound by the two bellies of the digastric muscle and the angle of the mandible. It discharges through the submandibular duct. The secretory units are predominantly serous although a few mucous alveoli, some with serous demilunes, occur. (Stedman, 25th ed)

Salivary Ducts
Salivary Ducts

Any of the ducts which transport saliva. Salivary ducts include the parotid duct, the major and minor sublingual ducts, and the submandibular duct.

Pancreas, Exocrine
Pancreas, Exocrine

The major component (about 80%) of the PANCREAS composed of acinar functional units of tubular and spherical cells. The acinar cells synthesize and secrete several digestive enzymes such as TRYPSINOGEN; LIPASE; AMYLASE; and RIBONUCLEASE. Secretion from the exocrine pancreas drains into the pancreatic ductal system and empties into the DUODENUM.

Bartholin's Glands
Bartholin's Glands

Mucus-secreting glands situated on the posterior and lateral aspect of the vestibule of the vagina.

Bulbourethral Glands
Bulbourethral Glands

Glands situated on each side of the prostate that secrete a fluid component of the seminal fluid into the urethra.


A gland in males that surrounds the neck of the URINARY BLADDER and the URETHRA. It secretes a substance that liquefies coagulated semen. It is situated in the pelvic cavity behind the lower part of the PUBIC SYMPHYSIS, above the deep layer of the triangular ligament, and rests upon the RECTUM.

Meibomian Glands
Meibomian Glands

The sebaceous glands situated on the inner surface of the eyelids between the tarsal plates and CONJUNCTIVA.

Lacrimal Apparatus
Lacrimal Apparatus

The tear-forming and tear-conducting system which includes the lacrimal glands, eyelid margins, conjunctival sac, and the tear drainage system.

Exocrine Glands
Exocrine Glands

Sebaceous Glands
Sebaceous Glands

Small, sacculated organs found within the DERMIS. Each gland has a single duct that emerges from a cluster of oval alveoli. Each alveolus consists of a transparent BASEMENT MEMBRANE enclosing epithelial cells. The ducts from most sebaceous glands open into a HAIR FOLLICLE, but some open on the general surface of the SKIN. Sebaceous glands secrete SEBUM.

Sweat Glands
Sweat Glands

Sweat-producing structures that are embedded in the DERMIS. Each gland consists of a single tube, a coiled body, and a superficial duct.

Apocrine Glands
Apocrine Glands

Large, branched, specialized sweat glands that empty into the upper portion of a HAIR FOLLICLE instead of directly onto the SKIN.

Eccrine Glands
Eccrine Glands

Simple sweat glands that secrete sweat directly onto the SKIN.

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